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This interior design project is the public space of a congregate housing. The exterior of the building has an Art Deco expression, which is the basic vocabulary and spirit of our design. We extend the expression to the public facility and lobby design to create the prototype of our initial design concept. We hope to re-define and showcase the so-called Art Deco in the space.

本案為一集合住宅公共空間室內規劃設計案。建築外觀本身十分具有Art Deco特色之立面表情,以此為主要的語彙及精神,延續至室內公設及大廳設計上,形成了設計初期的概念雛形,期望將所謂的Art Deco重新定義並展演於空間中。

During the design process, in addition to the Art Deco geometric lines, patterns and sophisticated art patterns, we want to emphasize on the aesthetics presented by the material itself, as well as the non-industrial atmosphere crated by handicraft projects. This effect in fact more resembles the natural decoration of Art Nouveau that emphasizes on handicrafts and denies any symbol of mechanical era. We integrate the uniqueness of both styles to create in harmony a space with diverse imagination and carefree ambience.

在設計進行中,除了關注在Art Deco所重視的幾何線條、圖案及精緻的藝術樣式外,我們更想強調的是材料本質所產生的美感,及手做的非工業化空間氛圍,這樣的效果其實更趨近於Art Nouveau的自然風格裝飾,強調手工藝,否定任何機械化的時代表徵。融合兩者的獨特性,和諧創造一多點想像及自在氣息的空間樣貌。

For the main ceiling in the lobby lounge, we use mirror polished stainless steel sheets arranged irregularly and freely. The free curves floating in the space resemble the clouds in the sky, creating a changing visual effect from different angles via sun lights in the morning and artificial lighting at night and a new artistic handicraft ambience.


In the modern industrial trend, we expect to enrich the space of this field with the warmth of handicrafts and a unique spatial effect from the new arts.
