Slow Living 慢活

The base is located where the resident can look out to distant views like the Kuantu plain and an extensive canopy of trees. It reflects the client’s attitude toward his living environment and his love of nature, fresh air, sunshine, and the circulation of air and water. He aspires to have a space where he can get a respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. His affective thinking draws the outline of a delicate and warm living space and ambiance.


The overall design is focused on expressing a sense of naturalness and the beauty of simple lines. The indoor open space extends from the parlor to the dining room and the guest room. A laser cut steel screen and sliding doors serve as an interface that keeps the continuity of visual connections while allowing for flexible partitioning. The wooden lining wall and the black steel screen blend with each other to bring out a combination of natural texture and sophisticated industrial texture.


Through the flow of light, a warm and natural ambient atmosphere is created. Large windows serve the purpose of borrowing scenery by bringing the lush greenery outside into view. What is the need for extra decorations and ornate materials?


The design is an attempt to get back to the essence of home life. The life of space, because of the attitude of the person inside toward life, is just about to begin….
